Just updated it. It closed out 10 seconds after I opened it. I also have 7 notifications that I dont know how to get rid of. This needs to be fixed ASAP.
Just updated it. It closed out 10 seconds after I opened it. I also have 7 notifications that I dont know how to get rid of. This needs to be fixed ASAP.
Please update app. It keeps crashing and I cant do anything at all. Is there any timeline on when this will be fixed so we can actually use the app?
Just downloaded it is worthless crashes every time I try to open it!
If it didnt crash or not load it would be very useful.
I cant login to My Tanger on app. Only option is to buy a new membership. Update makes the app useless for existing members
Theres an improvement since the update but now I cannot log-in to my membership and cannot for the life of me find the receipt capture!
Just installed. Crashed twice. Uninstalling.
App is horrible; it has had a notification badge for months now and I cant get rid of it. Ive deleted the app and reinstalled it numerous times.
Cant even get past the, choose your location screen. Crashed every single time I chose it.
I have had this app for a while and love it! I use it weekly for savings. However, the June 30 2015 update does not work. App crashes a few seconds into loading. Please fix soon!
Please fix. New update has issues with crashing. Reached out to Tanger who responded with they did not see any issues on their side.
Since updated, I cant get past the location screen. Have deleted the app and added it back with no success.
Please fix this app!!! Cant even open the app without it crashing.
When I first downloaded this app, I did it solely for the Tanger Club receipt capture. I put in all my receipts with no problems at all. It didnt crash and it went smoothly. That was about a month ago, now when I open it, it immediately crashes! I hope it gets fixed soon because I like inputting my recipes through here than going to shopper services.
Got app in April after joining tanger club. After numerous installs and uninstalls, I was NEVER successful in even OPENING the app! Im done.
I cant say how it works since I have never been able to run the app.
Tanger outlet app was great until the recent update, now it just crashes every time you open it. I have uninstalled it several times and re-installed.....still crashes. Really disappointed, have over $150 in receipts to capture. Please fix asap!!
This app is very badly designed. I have selected the location but afterwards it simply quits without any warnings.
When I first downloaded the it was great. Im able to capture my receipts for ranger club. Now the app crashes when I try to open it and wont let me do anything after deleting it and redox loading it.
App wont even open for me! I only get as far as trying to set my default location, and it crashes.